Work With Me

To earn a fortune in the diet and exercise industries, there is a dictum: complicate to profit.

'Eat whole foods and exercise for optimal health.'

That sounds easy. A little too easy. Suspicion creeps in. You buy the six books your friends' aunts' personal trainer mentioned, and come to the conclusion that you have to do aerial-hot-yoga-figure-skating-TRX-spin-boxing while eating bok choy leaves soaked in Sri Lankan mangosteen extract. Gluten-free. Vegan. Juice cleanse on the weekends.

Listen, I love angsty over-thinking as much as the next person, but I'm here to tell you. It's easy. I know, I know. How patronizing, how dare I minimize an issue that confounds the entirety of the population. I don't mean easy as in you need to sit down, input no effort and eat lazily. I mean the basic concepts of achieving health are not complicated. But, you still need to show up and do the damn thing. 

Our society rewards arduous personal sacrifice. If you didn't struggle, you didn't earn it. I think this is unmaintainable. Of course you can eat boiled, skinless chicken and steamed asparagus for 8 weeks in preparation for a figure competition. You can "suffer" the bland restriction as there's a light at the end of the tunnel, a deadline. But what about when the deadline is a little longer? Like, until you die. 
Suffering until then seems a bit ... Insane. 

What is the point of life if you're going to dread every minute of it? 

I want you to know you can have your cake and eat it, too! Literally. Let's get in touch & talk about how!

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